Efficient Generation of Multimodal Fluid Simulation Data

D. Baieri, D. Crisostomi, S. Esposito F. Maggioli, E. RodolĂ 

STAG 2024 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics
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In this work, we introduce an efficient generation procedure to produce synthetic multi-modal datasets of fluid simulations. The procedure can reproduce the dynamics of fluid flows and allows for exploring and learning various properties of their complex behavior, from distinct perspectives and modalities. We employ our framework to generate a set of thoughtfully designed training datasets, which attempt to span specific fluid simulation scenarios in a meaningful way. The properties of our contributions are demonstrated by evaluating recently published algorithms for the neural fluid simulation and fluid inverse rendering tasks using our benchmark datasets. Our contribution aims to fulfill the community's need for standardized training data, fostering more reproducibile and robust research.


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  title={Efficient Generation of Multimodal Fluid Simulation Data},
  author={Baieri, Daniele and Crisostomi, Donato and Esposito, Stefano and Maggioli, Filippo and Rodol{\`a}, Emanuele},
  booktitle={Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics-Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference},